Satia Bagdja Ijatna, the head coach of the Indonesian national Women’s team, said that they badly needed to play against Thailand this week as that is the only sure way of gauging the level of the squad.

He said that since the team’s inception early this year, the players have not been tested in a competitive, international atmosphere.

“We have a total of 33 players and they are the best that we have at the moment although the selection process is still on-going,” said Satia.

“The test against Thailand is important because we have not played any international matches since the team got together in March this year.”

Indonesia will play two games against Thailand – on 27 May 2018 at the Gelora Sriwijaya Stadium and then 30 May 2018 at the Bumi Sriwijaya Stadium.

The squad is being prepared for the AFF Women’s Championship which starts at the end of June 2018 and then the Asian Games 2018 in August.




  1. Vera Lestari
  2. Norffince Boma
  3. Riska Julianti
  4. Prihartini


  1. Safira Ika Putri
  2. Sri Devi
  3. Vivi Oktavia
  4. Ade Mustika
  5. Risda Yulianti
  6. Nur Laili Khomariyah
  7. Retno Ayu Dwi
  8. Rizky Amalia
  9. Nova Yigibalom
  10. Fitria Alya Rahma


  1. Susi Susanti
  2. Yudith Herlina Sada
  3. Maulina Novriliani
  4. Dhanielle Daphne
  5. Zahra Muzdalifah
  6. Dwie Aprilliani Fitria
  7. Rahma Wulan Aprilita
  8. Rulin Aspalek
  9. Octavianti Dwi Nurmalita
  10. I Dewa Ayu Ratnasari
  11. Ria Ristiani
  12. Aryndha Christyara
  13. Iis Sri Rahayu
  14. Viny Silfianus 


  1. Carla Bio Pattinasarany
  2. Syenida Meryfandina
  3. Mayang ZP
  4. Tugiyati
  5. Okta Berti
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