Philippine Women’s National Team midfielder Quinley Quezada was ecstatic when she was told that she would join the final roster of players that would compete in the FIFA Women’s World Cup 2023 Australia and New Zealand.

Speaking to the media, Quezada recalled the moment when the coaching staff told her she made the cut.

“I was just really excited. The anticipation that was building up to actually finding out, having (head coach) Alen Stajcic, (assistant coach) Nahuel Arrarte, and (Team Coordinator) Belay Fernando tell me that I was part of the roster, I was just super excited, super proud,” said Quezada. “It was a testament to how hard I’ve worked and how hard the team has worked to get to this point. I was just really grateful, really proud to represent the Philippines.”

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Quinley Quezada: Competitiveness within the group is still strong and evident in the team



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