CRICKET-PAK-UMAR-FILESPAKISTAN cricket star Umar Akmal was released on bail today, a day after his arrest for violating traffic rules and scuffling with a policeman.

The 23-year-old was charged with interfering with government work and ā€˜scufflingā€™ with the policeman after he failed to stop at a traffic signal and refused to show documents yesterday.

Traffic policeman Mohammad Zeeshan accused Akmal of tearing his uniform and assaulting him, charges the batsman denied.

Akmalā€™s lawyer said the court allowed bail in the sum of 100,000 rupees (around 950 dollars).

A visibly upset Akmal later told reporters he had tried his best to comply with the law.

ā€œIt was a case of police showing their strength and I tried my level best to resolve the matter,ā€ said Akmal, who regularly plays limited-overs cricket for Pakistan.

Akmalā€™s father criticised the arrest.

ā€œWhen our own people insult our national heroes then the rest of the world will also do this,ā€ said Mohammad Akmal. ā€œItā€™s insulting and unacceptable.ā€

Akmal is regarded as one of Pakistanā€™s most talented batsman, but has failed to live up to his potential because of his rashness in batting, which led to him being dropped from the Test side in 2011.

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